Tournament Sanctioning

All district associations or clubs in membership wishing to host tournaments in the Province must apply to the MSA for sanctioning. Applications can be obtained at the MSA office and must be submitted at least (60) days prior to the start of the tournament. A list of the tournament organizing and discipline committees, along with a brief budget, are required to accompany the application.

Some of the most important rules and regulations are:

  1. Club / Teams must obtain approval from their district associations.
  2. Teams entering must be properly affiliated with their respective Provincial / State Association.
  3. Only properly registered players in good standing shall be permitted to participate.
  4. Participating teams shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) guest players.
  5. The MSA shall not be held responsible for any emergency medical or injury expenses incurred by an athlete, sponsor, excessive, volunteer or representative of any participating club as a result of activities sanctioned.
  6. The MSA must be notified of the intention to include the hosting and / or serving of alcoholic beverages at all social venues. Failure to do so will void the liability insurance provided by the sanction.
  7. The MSA shall not be held responsible for any financial losses incurred by the sponsoring league, club, team or individual.

The sanction provides third party liability insurance coverage for all individuals involved. Referees registered with the Manitoba Soccer Association will not referee tournaments which are not sanctioned by the MSA.


Why are Tournaments Sanctioned and Travel Permits Required?

  1. To ensure that the tournament Host is a legitimate member of, or responsible to, a governing body - Provincial (State), National, International. As a Member the Host is responsible for finances, operations, discipline and to ensure published Rules are adhered, to such as age categories, prizes, schedules, quality of facilities, referees etc.
  2. Teams traveling to a sanctioned tournament have a reasonable expectation that the tournament will be run properly. If not complaints and concerns can be addressed through the team's home association (provincial) to the sanctioning body, that is the tournament Host's home Association. For example the Host ensures that the teams do not have ineligible (over age) players.
  3. The Tournament Host requires that teams and players participating in the tournament are properly registered so the Host has some recourse should problems arise: hotel bills not paid, hotel rooms damaged, misconduct, discipline matters, defaults etc.
  4. Traveling teams and tournament hosts have recourse to the rules and regulations and appeal and discipline procedures of Provincial and National Associations. Players would not be protected by the rules and be vulnerable with respect to misconduct (lack of consequences for violent conduct) by other players in a non-sanctioned event (or by non-registered players). The knowledge that a dismissal for violent conduct will result in a substantial suspension (at the tournament and at home) may act as a deterrent.
  5. As with players, referees would not have the protection of the rules governing the game and the abuse of officials. A player, coach, or spectator who knows that if he / she threatens or assaults a referee will result in a lengthy suspension may be deterred or in the event that they do assault the official will be subject to these rules and penalties.
  6. Insurance (liability and accident) would not cover participants in a non-sanctioned event. A non-sanctioned event would not have insurance coverage.
  7. All of the above principles apply to ongoing play in any jurisdiction where teams are members of leagues and associations. However, tournaments often involve teams from different jurisdictions. The tournament Host has to know who is attending the event, and the teams have to know the event is going to be properly organized. Sanctioning does not guarantee there will be no problems, but it provides all those involved with some recourse should problems arise.

List of Sanctioned Tournaments







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